Watch We feed the world

This quite known documentation shows who, how and why, provides which foodstuffs to who and to which means. Very fact-orientated, logic and concrete.
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The Nestle CEO talks about what goal responible coporations must follow and draws a great picture about the future. "We have never been that healthy, we live very long, we have a lot of money and we can get everything, but he does not at all understand why we are not happy."
We can not be fully happy because we sense that most of the people on earth are not in our situation. They are not happy either.

This quite known documentation shows who, how and why, provides which foodstuffs to who and to which means. Very fact-orientated, logic and concrete.
One Comment:
The Nestle CEO talks about what goal responible coporations must follow and draws a great picture about the future. "We have never been that healthy, we live very long, we have a lot of money and we can get everything, but he does not at all understand why we are not happy."
We can not be fully happy because we sense that most of the people on earth are not in our situation. They are not happy either.