Heidi in New York
Well, now already some weeks have passed since coming back, so I can finally see myself on this little island again *gg*. New Yorkians are nice and friendly, they walk a lot, which made me buy 4 pars of shoes besides of the nice exchange rate at the moment. People once you start shopping in Soho you will get crazy *hach*...
But, yes, remember the reason I was there was uni, and solving the worlds issues. Everyday we had a group therapy in Beirut, our tutor's room, with complains and constructive comments and lots of beer. Was necessary to get ot heads back to normal in order to not in a Jean-Paul Sartre existentialism way divide people in fellow or opponent countries being over or under your power. In the end we did well, were distinguished delegation and won a position paper award, and it was the greatest feeling ever to stand up with my team in GA Hall and have the whole room applauding. My heard was swallowing with pride and I had lump in my throat *blush*.
Thw rest was tourism program, seing Empire state building, freedom statute with my nice friends from Utrecht, ship tour around Mantattan, chilling at John Lennons Strawberry fields in Central Park, visiting marvellous MoMa and being disappointed by Guggenheim, going out to NY 'In'Clubs and having peanut butter with jelly jam.

E.g. asking a woman on the street where to go in Brooklyn, Williamsburg. And she’s like (that’s what all the Americans say all the time *g*) ‘Oh do you wanna see th jews?!? They’r all standing in rows to shop ‘cause it’s a celebration day! They’r over thee, you see them, the Jews!!!’ She points with her index at two passing Jews who pretend very well not to notice us. ‘And if u wanna see the odd artsy people just pass over there’. We went to the odd people. Brooklyn is really charming, like the houses in ‘King of Queens’ but poorer and more industry. Wonderful fashion stores to shop, while strolling around was just disturbed by ‘watch your step a blood puddle’. Our happiness on that day was sealed by yingling for just two bucks. Yingling is the eldest beer brewed in the US, about 200 years, of course as Austrian I have to smile at that, our breweries are from about the 14th century. It was delicious and we even could smoke behind a fence, so while sunset the orange light turned everything cosy I felt far far away from busy NY and fell in love with Brooklyn.
Another Day, when I went to the financial district a surprise waited. Stepping out the scarped stairs of the subway we heard a crowd screaming. Directly in front of the stock market exchange, that’s built as neo-classicist temple and is covered with the biggest stars and stripes flag I have ever seen, people held signs and walked in circles. They screamed: ‘No more bull, health care for all!’ and me with them, of course ;-).
New York is great, not for living, but for making career, watch out I intend to come back!
At June 03, 2007 6:22 am,
satchmo said…
yingling is delicious. I'm so happy you had the opportunity to experience a small part of the US in so many different ways. You said it perfectly, NYC is not for living... you would have to be crazy... or extremely rich. But for a career--this is different :-)
I await your next arrival with open arms
Your friend,
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