
Carpet page from the Book of Durrow, made in Ireland, end of 7th century AD.
I am generally not a fan of ancient art, my field is the 20th century and its perplexities, but this old book is speaking to me. This carpet page is completely filled with curves and lines, the horror vacui principle aims to not leave any space to the evil, so everything must be covered. The 'fear of emptiness' is the enemy of human beings, boredom is dangerous. So lets keep busy with having always opinions and making them public and heard. Keep busy with small necessities that make life worth in their easyness, but while laughing and reflecting upon them they are ripped and destroyed. Then coming back to one of the helix centers, beautiful calm, unpredictible moving and protected by the interlaced border in which it is easy to get lost with all ups and downs.
What does it say?
'Know who you are and it will work'
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